For much of our history, civic associations have served as the “great free schools of democracy.” As a voluntary association, our capacity for collective action rests on members’ contributions of skill, effort, and time to a common purpose.
Our success in achieving our goals rests on our ability to make our voices heard in the public arena. And the more of us there are, the louder our collective voice will be, and the more we can achieve! The members of the Civic work to make our community a better, more pleasant place to live. We hope you’ll join us.
Membership is open to all residents, business owners, and property owners within the Hamlet of Sound Beach who have reached the age of eighteen.
How to join: Come to our next meeting or click here to open a printable application form.
Dues: $20 per household due each January. Those joining after October 1st will be validated through the next calendar year.
Meetings: The Civic association meetings are held each month (except December) on the second Monday, 7:30 PM, at the Sound Beach Firehouse, second floor. Refreshments are served after the meetings.